Big Data Hack -päätöstilaisuus
Welcome to the final event of Big Data Hack!
Location: SparkUp, Tykistökatu 4, 20520 Turku
Date: Thursday 31st of January at 14:00-16:00
Register from this link.
University of Turku will launch a new big data hackathon in January 2019. We would like to welcome all interested participants from different disciplines, such as IT, economics, sociology, and geography to investigate the potentials of big data in promoting international and interregional collaboration between European cities. The Big Data Hack consists of a briefing session, two-day hackathon camp and an independent development phase, after which each team will present their idea to the organisers, collaborators and other teams.
In Big Data Hack, interdisciplinary teams will explore various ways in which cities and diverse social and economic agents are interconnected across national and regional boundaries–in cooperation with collaborating organisations. Prior knowledge related to these topics is not mandatory, but we do appreciate some degree of understanding about big and geospatial data or regional development. Most important, however, is your motivational attitude to bring new ideas on the table! You won’t need a readily formed team either, as we will help you to connect with a suitable group. All students will be also provided with an attendance certificate, based on which you are able to request 2 ECTS from your own faculty. Please contact the personnel of your unit before the hackathon to ensure that the points can be registered to your account. If there are questions or issues, please reach out to us.
The process will begin with a briefing session on Thursday 10th of January at 14-16 at the Turku School of Economics (room TBA), followed by an intensive two-day hackathon at Åhuset (Gezeliuksenkatu 2, 20500 Turku) from Thursday 17th to Friday 18th of January. During this event you will be familiarised with the contents and goals of the hackathon by our experts. After the hackathon the teams will have couple of weeks for independent work before the final presentations, during which you will be free to reach out to the organisers and mentors for further advice and support. The final ideas will be presented on 31th of January (place and time TBA).
Take advantage of this great opportunity to grow your network with potential recruiters and experts by applying to the hackathon now!
For more information, feel free to approach us through the contact information below.
We organize this hackathon as a part of our ESPON-project (Big data & European growth corridors) and in collaboration with joint Open DaaS (Open data as a solution) EU-project.
Contact information:
Mikko Vermanen
Project researcher, Doctoral student
Turku School of Economics
Gezeliuksenkatu 2, 20500 Turku
+358 40 146 0638