Cyber Security Hack 1.–2.11.2018
GameLab, Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu, Kotkan kampus
Osoite: Pääskysentie 1, 48220 Kotka
Tapahtuman aikataulu
Tapahtuma alkaa 1.11.2018 klo 15 ja päättyy 2.11.2018 klo 14. Muutokset ajankohtaan ovat mahdollisia.
Ilmoittaudu mukaan
Ilmoittaudu mukaan täällä!
Lisätietoja tapahtumasta saat Minna Jukalta:
Rekisteröidy opintopisteitä varten
Xamk students (both Peppi and Moodle registration is needed):
Peppi VV00DK64-3001 Cyber security hack
Moodle Cyber Security Hack
Other students only Moodle registration using Haka user account!
Welcome to meet cyber security challenges with and within open data. In addition to taking part, you can earn 5 credits by performing an easy assignment and writing an individual learning diary. Achieving credits is not mandatory. You are welcome to attend the event, even if you do not want the credits. We provide participants meals and, if necessary, accommodation and travel grants when booked in advance.
GameLab, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Address: Pääskysentie 1, FI-48220 Kotka
Campus Information:
1st November, 3 PM — 2nd November, 2 PM
Enroll here!
Further information
Minna Jukka /
Register for credits
Xamk students (both Peppi and Moodle registration is needed):
Peppi VV00DK64-3001 Cyber security hack
Moodle Cyber Security Hack
Other students only Moodle registration using Haka user account!